The Magical World of Santa Claus

Santa Claus

Welcome to Santa's Magical World.

This area of Clackmannanshire.Scot is for the enjoyment of ALL those who believe in the magic of Christmas and especially Santa Claus. This area of the website will have lots of fun things to do during the festive season, there are colouring sheets you can print off, puzzles, guides for arts and crafts, stories, and hopefully more than a few pictures of the man of the season Santa Claus. We will hopefully have exclusive news from the North Pole as we have written to Santa to ask that he smiles a wee bit brighter over the Wee County and keep us up to date on the events at the north pole while everyone prepares for THE BIG DAY.

As you should already be aware the front page of the website will have a list of events that are on in the Wee County during the Festive Season.

Between the website and our Facebook page we will be trying to add new Christmas content every day of December in the hope of entertaining children and making this special time of the year just a little bit more magical.

Press His Nose

If you believe, press Santa's Nose!